Sunday, April 7, 2013

Billionaires simply want to remain billionaires.

There was an increase in the farming and cultivating of hemp from 1934 to 1935. Hemp was a less expensive product to produce than the paper pulp that was used for making newspapers.
Some people were worried that the hemp industry was a large threat to the paper industry and the timber stock holders. Also there was worry that the DuPont family, large producers of nylon felt threatened because hemp could potentially replace nylon products. Pretty much, the billionaires wanted to remain billionaires and wanted to eliminate any competition. All of the greed had led people to start campaigning for the termination of cannabis. This was a main factor in the development of the “Marihuana tax act of 1937”. 
So, out of greed, a plant that could increase jobs, help make more natural products, paper and food was made illegal. It seems as if the government would rather keep the rich people rich. We could save our forests, environment and economy if we could start the growing and production of cannabis products. 

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The weedist

A very informative site.

Benefits of hemp products

There are many other reasons that people should be able to grow the Marijuana plant. With out the growth of it, no one would be able to produce hemp. Hemp is a very useful product that can help with not only our bodies health, but also our mental health. Additionally, not only is hemp good for food products, but it is also good for products that we use daily. It can be used to make, paper, fabric, rope, cosmetic products, fuel and building material. Think of the industrial growth that growing this plant would have, boosting our economy greatly. This could be the beginning of another "industrial revolution".

Benefits of hemp milk:
Strengthens immune system.
Promotes healthy hair, skin and nails.
Promotes a healthy heart. 
Increases mental capacity

* Increased energy levels and metabolic rate.
* Reduces symptoms of PMS & menstrual cramps.
* Helps reduce inflammation and symptoms of arthritis.
* Vegetarian approved. 

The Joint Blog

New York legalizing marijuana??

Today, March 26, the New York State Senator Diane

 Savino introduced a bill that would finally bring

 themarijuana25n-2-web legalization of medical


This measure would have New York be joining 18 other states and the District of Columbia in the legalization of marijuana. 

Marijuana is becoming the new "gold rush"

              It seems like the United States is finally realizing how much money they could make and save if Marijuana was finally legalized. Deregulation is opening up so many new possibilities that some "economists are comparing it to the gold rushes of the 1800s." This new "green rush" is creating jobs for many people despite the fear of federal prohibition. There are dispensaries found in many states, many local people are going there to find jobs. So, not only will there be more employment, but also the U.S Government can also put taxes on marijuana, the sale and growth of it.

Plenty of people working & making money due to the California "Gold Rush".

She is not the only one who made these plants grow. A dispensary could employ up to at least 20 people, even up to 100, depending on the size. If they were turned into "factories" and had larger space to produce more product, there could be 100's of people employed just at one dispensary. If the U.S government would legalize the growth and sale of Marijuana in every state, so many more people could be employed. Imagine what this could do for the economy. There would be less homeless people, there could be more small business owners that could potentially do greater things with their lives. Less people would be in jail over having Marijuana contraband. If each person was to be allowed to posses 2.5 ounces of Marijuana, these business would be making plenty of money and the government in turn would be able to tax that money, leading the government to perhaps getting closer to being debt free. The economy would be booming, just like it was during the "Gold rush". However, gold runs out since it cannot be grown. We would never run out of Marijuana, thus a continuous booming economy.

Monday, February 25, 2013

US Marijuana Laws- What does the future hold?

"The Committee on Drugs & the Law invites the public to a discussion on the current state of domestic marijuana laws and the possibilities for the future, in the wake of the recent legalization measures passed in Colorado and Washington. Members of the Committee will briefly discuss various topics including an overview of state marijuana laws across the country, the status of medical marijuana in New York State, the current tensions around state, federal, and international laws, and special issues such as land use, discrimination, and ethics involved with allowing or disallowing the use of marijuana. The presentation will be followed by an interactive discussion with the audience."